Buying a new house is exciting, but there's a learning curve that comes with owning any property that's new to you. Even the best inspections won't turn up every little problem, and you'll usually find at least some deferred maintenance from the previous owner that you'll need to address. If your new house has a septic tank, it's especially crucial to stay on top of these issues.
So, what are your best options? Fortunately, septic tanks don't typically require extensive maintenance or attention. If you're about to finish moving in and wondering what your next steps should be, you might want to consider these three tips to ensure a good long-term relationship with your septic tank.
1. Gather Information About Your System
Hopefully, you took the time to thoroughly inspect the septic system and collect information about it before purchasing. If not, you'll need to spend some time doing some digging. Check any papers or documentation you received from the previous homeowners for information about your septic system. You may also be able to collect some information from property records at your town hall.
This documentation is critical because you'll need to know the location of your tank for routine service tasks, such as pumping. When all else fails, you can also try manually following sewer lines from your basement and doing a little property exploration. A professional pumping company can usually help you find your tank if none of these methods work for you.
2. Determine Your Last Pump Date
You should generally not wait more than five years to pump your septic tank. Remember that deferring septic tank maintenance won't just cause a messy sewage backup into your home; it can also damage your septic system. Allowing solids to accumulate in the tank can allow them to migrate into the septic field, potentially destroying it and leading to an incredibly expensive repair.
Check for the last pumping date if you have documentation from the previous owner or your inspection. If it was more than 3 to 5 years ago, it's time to schedule a pump-out as soon as possible. Note that if you can't find the most recent pumping date, it's probably safe to assume it was too long ago. Spending a little money now is the best way to avoid potential maintenance problems.
3. Request an Inspection
Septic inspections are an excellent way to determine the condition of your tank, and the best time to do them is when you're pumping the tank out. A septic system expert can evaluate your system for any severe issues once the tank is empty. They can also advise you about the best pumping schedule for your particular tank and household size.
Remember that pumping your septic tank is one of your home's most critical maintenance items. Following these tips will ensure your tank continues to function well, allowing you to keep your septic system comfortably out of sight and out of mind.
Contact a local septic service, such as DWR Waste Removal & Septic, to learn more.
Share28 July 2022
When you think about professionals who work on your home, the first ones that come to mind might be HVAC technicians and maybe plumbers. But septic service workers are also essential. Without a working septic tank, you won't be able to flush away your waste, and you may even have smelly water all over your yard. Some plumbers also provide septic care services, but other times, you have to rely on a separate company to do this work. In either case, you can learn a bit more about septic services on this website, and we hope the information helps you take better care of your home.