Maintaining A Septic System In High Water Table Areas


Maintaining a septic system can be challenging for homeowners living in areas with high water tables. Ensuring proper function and avoiding environmental hazards become crucial to managing wastewater treatment on your property.

How Does A Septic System Work? 

Wastewater from your house first enters the septic tank, where the solids in the water sink and lighter liquids float to the surface to make scum. The remaining liquid effluent then flows into the drain field, where it is absorbed by soil for filtration and natural treatment.

Soil plays a vital role in treating wastewater within a septic system. As effluent enters the drain field, its contaminants are broken down by microorganisms in the soil or removed through filtration. Soil characteristics, including texture and percolation rate, influence how effectively the wastewater flows through it.

Maintaining your septic system is crucial for ensuring efficient performance and preventing costly repairs or hazards associated with poorly functioning systems. Regularly monitoring sludge levels within your tank and scheduling routine pumping services every few years goes a long way in keeping your system running smoothly.

What Are The Challenges With Septic Systems In High Water Table Areas?

High water table areas present unique challenges for septic system function and maintenance. Saturated soil conditions can limit the system's ability to properly treat wastewater, potentially leading to groundwater contamination or wastewater pooling on your property. Additionally, a high water table can cause damage to septic system components, reducing their overall effectiveness.

When a septic system fails in a high water table area, it poses significant risks to public health and the environment. Contaminated effluent can infiltrate groundwater sources, affecting water quality or local ecosystems. Another critical factor to consider is the financial implications of repairing or replacing a failed septic system.

In many regions, septic system regulations have become more stringent due to growing concerns about environmental impacts. Ensuring your septic system complies with local codes is crucial for maintaining legal operation and avoiding penalties associated with non-compliance.

Is Chemical Usage Safe With Septic Systems In High Water Table Areas?

Cleaning products and other household chemicals can negatively impact the microbial activity necessary for wastewater treatment within your septic tank. Disrupting this delicate ecosystem may reduce efficiency or even lead to a complete failure of your septic system.

Being mindful of chemical usage is essential when living with a septic system in high-water table areas. Dispose of hazardous materials like paint thinners, solvents, and pesticides at designated waste facilities rather than pouring them down drains. Ensuring only human waste and toilet paper enter your septic system can also help maintain optimal performance.

For more info, contact septic services today. 


23 June 2023

Septic Services: Essential for the Home

When you think about professionals who work on your home, the first ones that come to mind might be HVAC technicians and maybe plumbers. But septic service workers are also essential. Without a working septic tank, you won't be able to flush away your waste, and you may even have smelly water all over your yard. Some plumbers also provide septic care services, but other times, you have to rely on a separate company to do this work. In either case, you can learn a bit more about septic services on this website, and we hope the information helps you take better care of your home.